
East Pierce Fire & Rescue 58

Where Compassion and Action Meet

East Pierce Fire and Rescue was founded on a strong commitment to customer service. The department’s Mission, Vision and Values guide the actions of the department and its employees. Exceptional customer service and a concern for the employees and their families have become hallmarks of our culture.

EPFR was created when the City of Bonney Lake Fire Department, Pierce County Fire District 22/Lake Tapps Fire and Pierce County Fire District 24 merged in 2000 with the goal of providing a seamless response to emergency situations.

Since then, the following mergers or annexations into EPFR have occurred:

  • 2006: Pierce County Fire District 12 and South Prairie/Fire District 20
  • 2008: Sumner/Fire District 1
  • 2010: Edgewood/Fire District 8
  • 2013: Milton Fire Department

Today, East Pierce serves a population of 100,000+ residents living in and around Bonney Lake, Sumner, Lake Tapps, the Ridge Communities, South Prairie, Tehaleh, Edgewood and Milton. The district covers approximately 153 square miles and protects residents from 7 staffed stations and one facility on Lake Tapps for the marine rescue unit.

All full-time firefighters are cross-trained as either emergency medical technicians (EMTs) or paramedics and can respond to both medical emergencies and fires.

An independently-elected board of commissioners govern the agency. View our full organizational chart here.

Vision & Mission Statement


East Pierce Fire & Rescue is a trusted cornerstone of a safe and resilient community.


We provide exceptional service with compassion and action.


Our Core Values are the foundation of how we work. These Core Values guide our interactions with our community, with our partners, and within our organization.

Integrity. We uphold the highest standards of fairness and honesty to ensure we remain trusted by and accountable to our community and one another.

Leadership. We set a meaningful example for our community and one another through principles that are grounded in humility, consistency, and respect among all employees.

Stewardship. We serve with responsibility and care for our community’s wellbeing and financial resources, and we prioritize a healthy, safe, sustainable workforce.

Innovation. We encourage new ideas at all levels of our organization to proactively adapt to our community’s changing needs through a measured blend of tradition and new practices.

Leadership Philosophy

We had a goal of creating a leadership model that guides the success of our organization at all levels, and develops future leaders who understand their responsibility to the organization and the community. Leadership within the organization promotes and empowers people to take personal responsibility for their contribution to the department, the community and each other.

The Leadership Philosophy applies to all members of the department regardless of rank or position. This leadership philosophy is the foundation of our department and the standard each and every one of us is expected to uphold.

We are very proud of our members and recognize that all of us are leaders in various groups and situations. By embracing this philosophy, we will continue to develop and improve both as individuals and an organization.

Leadership Philosophy (PDF)

Strategic Plan

Welcome to the East Pierce Fire & Rescue strategic plan. This document sets the direction for our organization over the next five years by building upon our strengths, prioritizing needs, and identifying opportunities for ongoing improvement. We will use our adopted strategic plan to align around shared priorities and allocate our resources.

Since our inception in 2000, East Pierce Fire & Rescue has had service and efficiency as our primary goals. As we move into our third decade of service, this strategic plan provides a strengthened set of goals that guide us to best serve the District. In achieving these goals, we will reinforce our commitment to excellent service and ensure we remain efficient by realizing the benefits of regionalized emergency services.

The words “where compassion and action meet” can be seen on the side of every emergency vehicle in our fleet. These words are more than a motto to East Pierce Fire & Rescue. Our residents are our family, and our community is our home. With this core belief in mind, our Mission becomes very personal in that we serve to protect our family and our home.

I am proud to present our strategic plan on behalf of the Board of Fire Commissioners and East Pierce Fire & Rescue personnel. Through the collaboration of our community, stakeholders, and personnel, we have solidified a strong vision for our future. Thank you for your continued support—it truly is an honor to serve you, and we look forward to doing so in the years to come with the guidance of East Pierce Fire & Rescue’s new strategic plan.

Jon Parkinson
Fire Chief

Strategic Plan (PDF)

Capital Facilities Plan

This capital facilities planning step has included an in-depth, district-wide examination of the needs associated with East Pierce Fire & Rescue’s capital facilities. It has included evaluating all major stations and assessing which stations should be renovated and which should be replaced. It has examined East Pierce’s supporting services (i.e., training, administrative services, vehicle maintenance and repairs, and logistics). Diagrammatic floor plans have been prepared for what these facilities might look like in the case of new and remodeled structures. And, for all the improvement projects, detailed cost estimates have been prepared for how much they would likely cost to undertake.

The planning process incorporated input from a diverse cross-section of EPFR personnel. While not easy to predict what the future may hold, the district’s planning decisions were based on a 20-year perspective. To that end, the conclusions reached in this report are expected to serve the needs of the district and its citizens well into the future.

While this capital facilities process was underway, a parallel effort led by Emergency Services Consulting International (ESCI) was undertaken to determine optimal station locations, resource deployment, call types and response times, and projected population growth for the areas served by EPFR. ESCI’s work served as the basis for many of the assumptions made in terms of where stations should be located for optimal response and projected service growth over the next 20 years. This Capital Facilities Plan (PDF) includes a complete copy of the ESCI report.

Capital Facilities Plan (PDF)

Standards of Cover

Welcome to EPFR’s Standards of Cover. This document reports on a Standard of Cover analysis describing the environment, operations, challenges, and opportunities facing East Pierce Fire & Rescue, serving Washington State’s Pierce County Fire Protection District #22 (FPD#22). The report represents the results of six months’ collaborative effort between EPFR members, command staff, and technical and strategic consultants from Levrum, Inc. of Corvallis, Oregon.

Standards of Cover


Standards of Cover (RCW 52.33) 2023 Performance

Have more questions about East Pierce Fire and Rescue?