East Pierce Fire and Rescue’s Logistics Division has been hard at work refurbishing our 2006 Pierce Dash Fire Engine. Although this engine has logged 178,400 miles over the last 14 years serving our communities, it still has some giddy-up to give.
The refurbished engine, affectionately referred to as “Dash,” will continue to serve as a reserve engine. With a new apparatus costing $1 million, we couldn’t pass up the cost-saving opportunity of refurbishing an existing engine versus purchasing a new one. Dash will proudly and efficiently serve our communities for the next 5-7 years.
The East Pierce Board of Fire Commissioners allocated $200,000 for the refurbishment project, which consists of a new motor, transmission, pump, electrical, axles, and rotors. Dash also received a cosmetic makeover of fresh paint and updated graphics.
Having a good and reliable reserve fleet is vital. When a front-line engine needs repairs or maintenance, Dash will step up (or roll in) to ensure the crews can continue safely delivering the timely and dependable service our communities deserve.
Shout out to EPFR’s mechanic, Bryon Chinn, who worked diligently with our Logistics Division staff to see the refurbishment project through to completion.
The result has yielded a safe response engine for our crews, reliable and uninterrupted service to our communities, and cost savings for our tax-paying residents. Win-win-(win)!