Firestoppers: Youth Firesetter Intervention

East Pierce Fire & Rescue 69

Youth Firesetting

East Pierce Fire & Rescue offers Firestoppers, a youth firesetting intervention program designed to educate children about the dangers of experimenting with fire. The free program is designed for children from preschool through teens. Participation is voluntary except for those referred by the Juvenile Court authorities.

The Firestoppers program assesses a child’s risk of continued firesetting behavior and establishes the best course to correct the child’s behavior. Specially trained fire district personnel assess the youth to determine the child’s risk level. The assessment includes four phases: the initial referral intake, a child interview, a family interview, and a parent questionnaire—the interviews and questionnaires help to identify a child’s behavior, medical history, and family background. Assessments are completed and scored to provide a guideline for intervention and education for the child. When firesetting behavior is determined to be indicative of more serious problems, referrals to specialized agencies are recommended.

If you are concerned about your child’s fascination with fire:

  • Ensure you have working smoke alarms on every level of your home and inside all sleeping areas.
  • Create and practice a home fire escape plan with everyone in your family.
  • Keep all matches and lighters locked up and out of sight from children.
  • Teach your children that matches and lighters are tools – not toys. If they find matches or lighters, they should immediately tell an adult.

To schedule a Firestoppers appointment, call 253-863-1800 (Option 4).